Genolife offers its support to relatives of disappeared persons with its forensic identification service.
It is possible to make the identification of missing persons through DNA tests in which the genetic profile of found remains can be compared with a relative. The possibility of having such services privately in Mexico renews the hopes of relatives of the victims. We can receive samples from any part of the country.
We have the experience of being able to work with difficult samples, such as bloodstains or exhumed remains.
You can trust our results, because we have certifications and accreditations in our equipment, facilities and operations. At the same time as an independent body we can be totally transparent in our operations and obtain results.
We have a certified forensic expert who is fully accredited to make determinations in cases of human identification by DNA.
We offer timely delivery times because we have the latest technology in forensic identification and we have experts who have extensive knowledge in human genetics.
We seek to make our experience in genetics a voice for those who have been silenced by violence.